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Soil Management

How often have you wondered why the crop in two apparently similar fields don’t perform equally well?

  • Disappointing yield?
  • Need for additonal trace elements?
  • Prone to disease?
  • Rainwater holding on the surface?
  • Soil becoming sticky and more difficult to work?
  • Increasing reliance on chemical input?
  • Not meeting quality parameters for marketability?
  • Low Protein and poor bushel weights?
  • Insufficient percentage meeting Grade 1 produce?

Soil - A Team Of Three

The three key components of soil are:

Chemical - Physical - Biological

These three key components are inextricably interlinked. Each one potentially affects the efficient working of the other. The Chemical affects the Physical which in turn affects soil Biology and micro-organic activity. Imbalances make the rooting environment less hospitable to root development thereby inhibiting the plant's ability to access the balanced range of nutrients it needs for optimum yield and disease resistance. Imbalanced soils and poor microbial activity restrict their contribution to crop yield and quality. Margins suffer due to the additional costs of compensating for these soils not performing as they could.

Chemical - Physical - Biological

"Dead" Soil Costs You Money!

Plants cannot obtain nutrients without roots. Plants with more effective root systems will be able to access a wider range of essential nutrients. Soil micro flora substantially increases the nutrient gathering ability of root systems. To be productive a soil has to provide a hospitable environment for roots and microbes alike - 25% air to breathe, 25% water to drink and move about in, 45% mineral and 5% humus or colloidal organic matter. Soils with poor microbial activity cannot contribute cost effectively to profitable production.

The Way Forward Is To Priortise Soil Management

We use Glenside's comprehensive Albrecht Soil Survey to identify the limitations of each soil and the barriers they pose to optimum crop and livestock production. The Albrecht Soil Survey is a powerful diagnostic aid to understanding the intricate inter-dependence of the three parameters of soil - the Chemical, the Physical and the Biological. With all package deals Glenside’s Technical Consultants will provide an on farm visit to discuss the results of your soil tests and plan a tailored programme to suit your soil’s nutritional requirements.

Sample Glenside Albrecht Soil Survey
Sample Glenside Albrecht Soil Survey

So What Can Be Added To Improve The Soil?

Trace Elements Can Be Boosted

  • Sulphur - essential in forming proteins.
  • Boron - important element for nitrogen utilisation.
  • Copper - essential for chlorophyl formation in the plant.
  • Manganese - required for carbohydrate metabolism and seed formation.
  • Zinc - regulates plant sugar use.
  • Glentracegrass - specially formulated product for grass and forage, supplying a wide range of trace elements in continuous release formulation with very low sodium.
  • Grassland Bio-Stimulants - The wide range of trace elements and growth stimulants in Marinure & Maerit (15L) supplement the plants’ bio-chemistry and have a catalytic effect on the growth mechanisms of the plant.  By stimulating the development of a stronger, more active root system, Marinure & Maerit enable the plant to release nutrients previously locked up in the soil thus relieving the trace element deficiency and making more effective use of applied fertilisers.  Suitable for combinable crops, top fruit, soft fruit, potatoes, salad crops, vegetables, grass and forages.  Application early in a crop’s life is recommended to promote root development and good establishment.  Compatible with most spray chemicals; they are often applied together.


The two pictures below show crops grown with and without the addition of Marinure to the soil.

Crops grown with and without the addition of Marinure to the soil
Crops grown with and without the addition of Marinure to the soil
For further information on Soil Management and the services we offer please Contact Us.